3 Pathways to Eco-Friendly Mining

Categories: Dust Controllers, Dust SuppressionPublished On: June 6, 2023

June 6, 2023


A big focus for mining companies right now is sustainability, with many moving towards more sustainable, eco-friendly mining methods to protect the environment and create efficiencies. Mining techniques become much more environmentally sensitive when efficiency is improved, because less waste is produced. Executives and consumers alike are increasingly aware of the need to protect our environment and there is more pressure than ever on companies to reduce their carbon emissions, minimising damage to local ecosystems. Thankfully, new technologies have significantly improved efficiencies and reduced environmental impact in recent years. Ranging from using cleaner technologies (and thus reducing the release of pollutants), to minimising the use of water and energy, as well as increasing recycling.

Here are 3 ways mining companies are reducing their carbon footprint and becoming more sustainable:

  • Lower-impact mining techniques. Low-impact mining techniques such as in-situ leaching will minimise soil erosion, reducing surface disturbance as well as moving less material needing backfilling. This is a positive solution for both the mineworkers and our environment.
  • Eco-friendly equipment. This shift can significantly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) mining operations usually produce. Italian company EmiControls has made huge strides in this area by producing the world’s first fully-electric dust suppression vehicle and it’s now available here in Australia. The Dustcat 5000 is a revolutionary device designed to combat loose dust in difficult and inaccessible terrain, while minimising the dispersal of dust in the surrounding environment up to 90m.
  • Reusing mining waste. Resource scarcity can be lessened by up-cycling, reusing, and recycling waste. Up-cycling transforms waste and unwanted products into new or alternative products. The waste can be reused by the mine itself or sold to a seperate company. For example, waste rock can be used as a material in landscaping projects or Tailings, a common by-product of the mineral recovery process, can be given new life in the form of resins and glass to bricks and cement. Water can easily be recycled for use in the dust suppression process.

Overall the industry is making great progress towards creating eco-friendly solutions and moving in the direction of sustainability. Over the years as these solutions become more practical, we will see it moving forward exponentially.

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